Community Events

Community Events is where you'll find as many activities as we know about for our great community. We hope to become your place to see what's coming up here.

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Facebook Business Page Setup is all about getting your business page properly setup so the search engines can actually find you and list your business correctly. We see so many businesses that have a Facebook business page but it was never formatted to tell the search engines: Who you are? Where you are? or What you do?

It's a shame because you've worked so hard on your business trying to get your name out there, your products seen online and people excited about you and your business. One big problem - they can't find you online.

BTW, people will always find you if they know your exact business name. However, what about that person who has heard about you but is searching for you online - even on Facebook, and your business page doesn't display to their search results??

That's what this class is all about - Fixin' it!!!

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Memorial Day Event

D and D Guns Customer Appreciation Day

Talco 4th of July

July 6 2024 DeKalb TX Celebration